Thursday 2 February 2017

Glo 11k/s Prepaid Plan FAQs

Glo 11k/s Prepaid Plan FAQs

1. What is Glo 11k/sec plan?
It is a price plan which allows customers call all networks in Nigeria and 30 international destinations at 11k/s after deduction of N5 daily access fee
2. Who can avail of the Glo 11k/sec plan Package?
All new and existing prepaid customers who migrate by dialing *211#
3. How can I enjoy Glo 11k/s plan?
Simply dial *211# and you are migrated to Gbam plus where you enjoy 11k/s call rate to local and select int’l destinations.
4. How much do I pay for calls on this plan?
 Onnet call rate:11k/s
 Offnet call rate:11k/s
 IDD to 30 countries: 11k/s
5. What is the SMS rate for Glo 11k/sec plan?
 On-net SMS: N4/SMS
 Off-net SMS: N4/SMS
 International: N10/SMS
6. Is there a rental fee on Glo 11k/sec plan?
Yes. N5 daily rental fee is paid
7. Which international destinations can be called at 11k/s?
The 30 international destinations are: Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, Canada, China, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, French Guiana, Guam, Japan, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Luxembourg, Malta , Mongolia, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Puerto Rico, Reunion Island, Romania, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, UK, US.
8. How do I get discount on International calls?
Once you successfully migrate to Glo 11k/sec plan, all subsequent calls to the 30 int’l destinations will be at 11k/s throughout the day upon deduction of N5 daily access fee.Calls to other international destinations are charged at the respective rates to those destinations.
9. What happens to services and promotions of existing package before migrating to Glo 11k/sec plan?
All the features, services and promotions of the existing package before migration into Glo 11k/sec plan would stop upon successful migration while the features and services on the Glo 11k/sec plan package would apply immediately.
10. What are the benefits on Glo 11k/sec plan?
There are two (2) tariff structures:
• One will be applicable after the call setup daily fee has been deducted from the main account while the second will be applicable when the balance in the main account is below N5.
• When daily fee is deducted, calls made that day from Main account for onnet, offnet and the 30 int’l destinations will be charged at 11k/s
• When daily access fee is not paid, local calls are made at 20k/s while international calls are at the default rate
11. Can existing customers opt for the new 11k/sec plan?
Yes. Existing customers can opt for the promo by dialing *211#
12. Will new activations enjoy this tariff and benefits by default?
No. New activations are on a default tariff of Jollific8. New, as well as existing customers will have to dial the USSD opt in code *211# to enjoy Glo Gbam Plus 11k/sec plan benefits.
13. How do I opt out of Glo 11k/sec plan?
Dial the migration code of the profile you desire.
14. What happens if I don’t use my line in a day?
The N5 daily access fee will still be deducted.
15. Is Glo 11k/sec plan a promotional offer?
No it isn’t
16. Where else can I get information on this product?
You can visit Glo website (, Gloworld, Glozones , dealer outlets and retailers or dial 124 for information
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